What Alumni and Parents Are Saying about IGSS


“Sometimes I think that IGSS was such an incredible experience that it is hard for my college classes to live up to the standard that IGSS set for my classes….I think that I would have had a really hard time discovering how I loved to learn best without IGSS, and I really feel like I have been so fortunate to be able to discover my passions in school.”

— Becca Williams, class of 2014


“IGSS was (is) one of the better choices in my educational career. The Integrated Global Studies School places students and teachers in a cohesive learning community; engaging primary texts, ideas, and conversations help us find the greater threads that connect us all. We IGSSers take charge of our own education, deciding collectively the trajectory of the curriculum and placing our interests and curiosities in the context of the larger globe. Every day I think of how my experience in IGSS and at New Trier prepared and enriches me in college.”

— Rory Gilchrist, class of 2012

“The IGSS community does an amazing job of breaking down the barriers that block students from taking charge of their education. Walking into IGSS I was always met with smiling faces and encouraging words. The IGSS community pushed me to take on programming projects that increased my confidence and skill set as a software developer. Today I follow along a similar path by working as a developer at startups while also dedicating time for non-profit work. Without my IGSS experience I would likely be sitting back dreaming but not putting words to action.

— Ryan Westerberg, class of 2017

“I attended the IGSStravaganza on January 19, 2017. I just wanted to thank you all for one of the most enjoyable evenings I have ever had at New Trier High School . . .It surprised me just how much an adult could possibly stand to learn from a group of high school juniors and seniors in just one evening. . . . These young adults are so much ahead of their predecessors it makes my head spin. The stated mission of the IGGS program is certainly being carried out -inquiring and exploring, guided by compassion, seeking transformation in themselves and the world. It also gives me comfort to know the next generation will be filled with smart, independent thinking souls ready to tackle the problems they will certainly face.”

— Robert Angarone, parent of graduate in the class of 2018

“As her parent, it brought to me to tears to see teachers appreciate her for who she is, who she wants to be, and who she could become. . . To have your respect and encouragement has been like having additional parents in her life. The love for learning that she rediscovered through IGSS . . . gave Maddie back to us as a family. IGSS let her wonder, feel curious, be joyful, be unique, and be celebrated for just that.. . . she has found, via IGSS, the courage again to be herself. At your IGSS presentations, you have shown a slide that asks ‘why are all the IGSS students so happy?’ And I would answer...because you let them be themselves, you return the love for learning, and the goal is to ponder and wonder and exchange and discover, not to produce or score or deliver results.”

Jein Murray, parent of graduate in the class of 2016

“I feel so grateful to have gained from IGSS the ability to have difficult conversations—ones that do not always have easy answers. Today and every day I am grateful for the person I became through my time in IGSS. Thank you for sharing your passion, for opening our minds, and for dedicating yourselves to making IGSS the incredible and transformative space that it is.”

— Olivia Loucks, class of 2013


“IGSS changed how I approach my education completely. We did not learn content just for a test, but instead learned how to ask questions, explore them, and eventually construct and interpret arguments. I had always been an excellent student, but felt stifled by the boundaries set forth by my other teachers. I was glad to be challenged by my IGSS teachers in a new and exciting way. The comments I received on my projects and papers were unique to me, and instead of just throwing away papers after they'd been assessed, I carefully read my teachers' comments and took what they said to heart. IGSS taught me how to learn.”

— Sally French, class of 2013

“I couldn't let the year end without letting you know how grateful we are to you for sticking by Greg and working with him to reach his potential. As you know, more than anyone, his growth over the past year has been outrageous. I feel like I have my Greg back: the child who loved school, learning and life as a grade schooler. IGSS changed his world. I know that's an extreme statement; it's true though. He is doing things I never imagined. He has become confident and independent . . . He has gained a confidence that has enabled him to explore ideas and opportunities that he would have never reached for previously. Greg and his Dad and I still talk about those 2 years with IGSS that made the biggest positive impact on Greg's life.”

— Bonnie Vasilion, parent of graduates in the classes of 2012 and 2018

“Thanks again for what you've created at IGSS - our daughter is a more dynamic and confident and independent person because of it, and I know it has been a key part of her love of learning. It is very special and very impactful - what you do matters to your students in ways they will appreciate more and more as they grow older. So … thank you!”

Brad Keywell, parent of graduate in the class of 2017

“I am thankful that my son has had the incredible opportunity to be part of the IGSS community. He has evolved into an inquisitive, engaging and motivated person. Through this outstanding program he has learned to live the New Trier mission to ‘Commit minds to inquiry, hearts to compassion, and lives to the service of humanity.’ That, I truly believe, is the benchmark of success. You have truly affected Chris' high school education and his life, and I am so thankful that your path crossed with his. He is a different person because of all his IGSS teachers, in a way that amazes me still to this day. . .”

Katherine Glattard, parent of graduate in the class of 2012